Lean Essentials

What is Lean??

  1. Operations: It is an operational strategy to increase productivity by flow of efficiency
  2. Project Delivery: It shreds away unnecessary effort, time & cost in project development to provide what owner’s values.
  3. Design: Creative process to prevent error & invent value

Lean Progression©

Lean Waste

It is said 70% of activities performed are non-value added or waste.

Japanese word “Muda-Mura-Muri”

Muda means Waste

TransportationUnnecessary process movement
InventoryQuantities beyond immediate need
MotionMovement that adds no value
WaitingWork in progress, stalled
Over processingFinishing beyond need
Over ProductionCreating before need
TalentUnderutilized people
DisrespectConsuming resources

Mura means “Overburdening”

Push PlanPressing beyond system limit

Muri means “Unevenness”

VariationUnreliable demand