Construction Blog

Group VS Assembly

What is a Group & Assembly? Both are collections of multiple Revit elements in one. What is the difference? 1. Purpose of Use Assembly is useful for producing detailed drawings or shop drawings enabling construction workflows. Basically, it is a part of the Revit project which gets built separately or wants to represent as a…


To understand worksets it’s essential to understand their role. A Workset is used in a Revit Workshared Model. What is a Workshared Model? The workshared model is a Model where many team members can collaboratively work on the same model at the same time. Purpose of Workset As multiple users will be working on the…

Understanding Revit Parameters

What is a Parameter? Parameters are properties of an element that shows and controls the element’s information. Types of Parameter Instance Parameter To understand these parameters first understand the term “Instance” which means a single occurrence of something. Therefore, an instance parameter means a parameter of an element that can be modified for each element/instance.…

Essential Guides & Standards

BIM Little Book One can start with this to understand various acronym associated with BIM and which standards specifies what. PAS Standards PAS 1192-2 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects. PAS 1192-3 Specification for information management for the operational phase of assets PAS 1192-4 Briefing for design and construction Code…

Lean Essentials

What is Lean?? Operations: It is an operational strategy to increase productivity by flow of efficiency Project Delivery: It shreds away unnecessary effort, time & cost in project development to provide what owner’s values. Design: Creative process to prevent error & invent value Lean Progression© Lean Waste It is said 70% of activities performed are…


1. Visualization BIM adoption helps in visualizing entire project digitally before construction. There is no misunderstanding between imagination by the client and what architect or any designer wants to portray. 2. Collaboration It helps in integrating model by all disciplines into one single model. It helps in visualizing project as a whole. 3. Change Management…


BIM Tools are softwares which help implementing BIM in any construction project. In following tools are segregated in different categories of workflow though some tools can be used in many categories. (By clicking on tools name it will take to tool website where you can download free trial or purchase tool, videos give brief overview…

BIM Management Process

01. Employee Information Requirements (EIR) Firstly, it should be developed by clients. But if client is not much aware then contractor can prepare by asking questions to the client. Example: Why you want to design & construct? What information you need to hand over to operate building This will help in: Competitive Edge Look more…

BIM Essentials

What is BIM? Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. (source: Autodesk) Higher Quality More Efficiency Room for Improvement & Assessment Digitally stored information for asset management Improvement in…