
To understand worksets it’s essential to understand their role.

A Workset is used in a Revit Workshared Model.

What is a Workshared Model?

The workshared model is a Model where many team members can collaboratively work on the same model at the same time.

Purpose of Workset

As multiple users will be working on the same model it is essential to divide the project elements within parts so that the entire model can be editable by all users,

When a particular workset is made editable the ownership of that workset (containing all elements within it) will be given to that user while working.

No two users can edit elements of the same workset at the same time.

Workset Segregation

To achieve better collaboration, elements are segregated in the worksets depending on what is the role of different members in modeling.

Workset can be made in terms of functional areas of the project if team member work is divided as per functional areas or Worksets can be made in terms of the category of elements if team member work is divided as per the category of elements (Doors, Windows, Walls, Ducts, Piping, etc.)

Benefits of Worksets

Collaborative Working

It provides convenience for editing the project when multiple users are working together.


It can also be used to control visibility. The workset can be turned off in a view when not desired. Also, filters can be created using workset.

Faster Opening of Model

If a model must be opened just for viewing/checking the purpose some worksets can be put off to open the model faster.

Essential Points while Segregating Workset

1. All Levels & Grids must be in the same workset in “Shared Levels & Grids.”

2. Every Revit Link must be in a separate workset with a proper naming as “+Link_LinkFileName”

3. And each workset must have a prefix of Discipline Code – “A_” for Architecture; “M_” for Mechanical and so on.

Workset Creation

1. Click Collaborate tab > Worksets (Manage Collaboration panel)

2. In the Worksets dialog, click New.

3. In the New Workset dialog, enter a name for the new workset.

4. To display the workset in all project views, select Visible in all views.

Clear this option if you want the workset to display only in views where you specifically turn on its visibility.

You can change the visibility of worksets later in the Visibility/Graphics dialog.

5. Click OK > Close the Worksets dialog.

When a new workset is created it prompts you to make the new workset active. Click Yes or No depending on use.

Manage Revit Link Worksets

1.Click Manage Tab > Manage Link (Mange Project panel)

2. Select Revit Link for which you want to edit a workset visibility

3. Click Manage Worksets

4. Select Worksets you want to close/open from Revit Link to make it visible/hidden in your current project.

5. Click Reload > Click Ok